Cosmetic problems with IE

I’ve just checked again the blog with IE and I’ve still overlapping bugs. And IE seems to misunderstand the “font-size:” attribute… Grmbl… As I’m using Mozilla most of the time, it doesn’t seem so annoying to me. I’ll check the stats just in case too many people are browsing the blog with IE (Damn, what an idea !).
If someone has a clue about how to fix that (The original dc theme is “digital fashion”). Thanks.


  1. Saiko said,

    January 31, 2005 @ 10:06 pm

    Well I dont have a clue, and anyway I’m browsing using firefox =) Nevertheless, a RSS thread would be relevant if you hope to attract some regular readers…

  2. Saiko said,

    January 31, 2005 @ 10:08 pm

    – Gotcha! Well it was kinda hidden but I finally found this thread ;)

    Sorry bout the two useless comments :P

  3. Gwen said,

    January 31, 2005 @ 11:04 pm

    I’ll look forward into adding some RSS feed, for sure. My stats are improving now, and I can figure than around 50% of people browsing the pages actually are using IE or layered IE such as MyIE2 or Maxthon. So, I need to do something about thoose overlapping texts. ;) (Enlargin the window make everything work anyways).

  4. Yvon said,

    February 13, 2005 @ 10:33 am

    L'aussi Mozilla, je de Comme j'utilise de mais du problème
    d'affichage du je n'ai pas eu de gros continuent le visite de

  5. Gwen said,

    February 13, 2005 @ 5:48 pm

    Hihi, je vois le genre… C’est l’encodage des accents qui ne passe pas comme il faut à travers la moulinette. Je vais essayer de checker ça ce soir.

  6. Gwen Heliou said,

    February 14, 2005 @ 2:15 am

    Après 3 minutes de recherche, je reste perplexe. Dotclear utilise l’Iso machinchose pour encoder les charactères, plutôt que le UTF-8. Mais comme ce dernier semble poser des problèmes en PHP, je n’ose pas trop convertir tout le blog de peur de bousiller quelque chose… Je pense que je vais rester comme ça, et tant pis pour la traduction auto que j’avais prévu via google ou Babelfish. Anyway, l’Admin de Dyingculture ( à l’air de préparer quelque chose dans ce sens, et il a déja produit d’interessants plugins par le passé.

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